Federal Registers
- 1910 Subpart I - 02/05/2024 - 89:7774-8023 - Emergency Response Standard; Proposed Rule - PDF
- 1910 Subpart I - 04/13/2022 - 87:21926-21928 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - PDF
- 1910 Subpart I - 06/21/2021 - 86:32376-32628 - Occupational Exposure to COVID-19; Emergency Temporary Standard; Interim Final Rule
- 1910 Subpart I - 09/26/2019 - 84:50739-50756 - Additional Ambient Aerosol CNC Quantitative Fit Testing Protocols: Respiratory Protection Standard - PDF
- 1910 Subpart I - 09/09/2019 - 84:47325-47327 - Personal Protective Equipment for General Industry; Extension for the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of the Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
- 1910 Subpart I - 01/09/2017 - 82:2470-2757 - Occupational Exposure to Beryllium - PDF
- 1910 Subpart I - 07/07/2016 - 81:44330-44331 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMBReview; Comment Request; Personal Protective Equipment for GeneralIndustry - PDF
- 1910 Subpart I - 03/02/2016 - 81:10915-10917 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Standard for General Industry; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of the Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
- 1910 Subpart I - 03/13/2015 - 80:13295-13304 - Updating OSHA Standards Based on National Consensus Standards; Eye and Face Protection - PDF
- 1910 Subpart I - 01/30/2013 - 78:6352-6353 - Personal Protective Equipment for General Industry; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF
- 1910 Subpart I - 02/01/2010 - 75:5144-5145 - Submission for OMB Review: Comment Request - PDF
- 1910 Subpart I - 11/23/2009 - 74:61175-61176 - Personal Protective Equipment Standard for General Industry; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of the Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - PDF